20-Year Height: 25 feet
Growth Rate: rapid
Growth Habit: single stem, upright with sparse crown
Drought Tolerance: lowShade Tolerance: intolerant
Flower: brown/gray
Foliage: green, yellow in fall
Soils: adapted to all soil types
Wildlife Value: browse, nesting and thermal cover, food and building material for beaver, cavity nesting
Disease/Pests: leaf spot, wetwood, stem canker, decay and pocket gopher damage to roots
Native to MT: yes
Other: root sprouting (clonal) species, preferred browse species by wildlife and livestockPhoto Credit: M. Lavin, MSU; MT Conservation Nursery; MT Conservation Nursery; MT Conservation Nursery
Aspen, Quaking
There will be no return or refunds once your plants have been picked up. These arrive bare root in bundles from the nursery, minimal die off is to be expected.
No plants will be shipped. All plants will need to be picked up at 334 North 9th Street Columbus MT sometime in May. Once we have a delivery date from the nursery you will be notified of your pickup date. The SCD can not store plants or be responsible for extended care.