SCD Approved 38
310 Permits in 2024
Our main responsibility is enforcing the 310 Law. We grant permits for work on or near the streambank. For more info see our 310 Permit tab.
SCD Administers
13 Water Reservations
A total of 1,905.58 ac/ft (19.86 cfs) of Water Reservations are currently being administered. There are 14,849.2 ac/ft (102.24 cfs) of reserved water undeveloped and available for beneficial use.
Water Quality Grant Debris Remonal
SCD worked with Stillwater Valley Watershed to identify and remove non-native debris left in the wake of the 2022 flood from our streambanks. We cleaned up over 19 sites including a sink, sauna, and outhouse!
Roots in
the Ground
SCD sells bareroot trees at wholesale price each year. Our goal is to get roots in the ground to conserve the soil. In 2024 we sold over 3,000 trees/plants and are well on our way to beating that number in 2025.
SCD harvests dormant willows in the winter and then replants them along streambanks in the early spring. That way these cutting wake up with their feet wet and thrive in their purpose of preventing streambank erosion.
SCD Administered
19 EWP Projects in Stillwater County
After the historic flood event of 2022 we were able to bring over 1 million dollars in grant funds to help Stillwater County landowners with flood restoration & protection from future events.
SCD Administered
21 EWP Projects in
Carbon County
After the historic flood event of 2022 we were able to bring over 1 million dollars in grant funds to help Carbon County landowners with flood restoration & protection from future events. We were glad to be able to help our neighboring Conservation District at a time when they were unable to administer grant funds.
Renewable Resource Grant
SCD was able to bring in an RRG grant to help the Mendenhall Ditch repair & rebuild their drop structures
American Rescue Plan Grant
SCD was able to help 2 ditches in Carbon County repair their headgates with ARPA funds. The Danford Project has been completed and the Orchard Project will be completed in 2025
SCD is working with the Forestry to use grant funds to help repair Armstrong Creek near East Rosebud lake in Carbon County. We are currently at a 60% design and hoping for a 2025/2026 construction date.